Tuesday 1 November 2022

Winter League Season at Strathmore Golf Club.


Winter League Season at Strathmore Golf Club.


Unfortunately, the Winter Season is rapidly approaching.

With this in mind it is time to sign up for the Winter Leagues and the Winter Knockouts.

You can sign up for all of these on HowdidIdo.

The Winter League is played over 19 weeks starting November 6th. You can play as many rounds as you like each week, but only your 2 best scorecards per week are eligible for the Winter League. 

This can only be played on the Winter Course, if you play to the full greens then that is not eligible for the League.

Your 10 best scores throughout the year are accumulated and the top player wins the league.

There are also the Winter Knockouts, these comprise of the Singles and the Doubles, which are played as a 4 Ball Better Ball format. These are also only played on the Winter Course, No exceptions!

Your Winter Handicap is taken as 75% of your Summer Handicap at the end of the season.

These will alter depending on your playing scores.


Cost for entry for these events are:

Winter League £1 per person

Winter Singles £1 per person

Winter Doubles £1 per player.

Please put your entry fees marked CLEARLY with name and competitions you are entering on an envelope into the SENIOR’S BOX.