Saturday 2 April 2022

 Hello Everyone,

It's good to get the season underway and to have such a good turn out for our opening medals today, long may this continue.

Please remember we are in Competition season and it is £2.50 for entry, sweep and 2's and that the entry to the Saturday Draw CLOSES at Lunchtime on a Thursday, and once the draw is done, IT'S DONE..

Please also ensure that your scorecards are filled out correctly with Competition Name, Date and Tees played. We will be monitoring this closely and incorrect scorecards will be DQ'd.

The Summer Knockouts are available, please sign up or contact Scott Thomson.

There is also a Summer League to be played in this year which starts on Monday 4th April and runs from Monday to Friday and is played off either White or Yellow Tees with a maximum of 2 cards per week, per Tee, this runs through to September where there will be a playoff for the top 4 in each league on your 10 best cards. The cost is £2.50 for the entire year and Chris Flannigan will be looking after this. If interested pop your money in the Gent's box.

If you have any questions regarding the season please don't hesitate to contact Craig over the Weekly Medals, Scott over the Summer Knockouts and Chris over the Summer League.

Here's to a happy golf season,
