Tuesday 19 November 2019

Gents Turkey Trot Saturday Dec 7th Golf and fun.

The sign-up sheet and menu are now posted on the notice board for the Gents Turkey Trot.
We are hoping to get a shotgun or 2 tee start for this depending on numbers.
It is a 10am start and we will announce the game closer to the time.
It is a 20 pound cost for the 3 course xmas meal a great deal (Thank you Peter for this).
It will also include spot and team prizes.
After the game we will be doing the squares draw for the Captains charity.
So make sure you are there to claim your prize if your name is drawn.
We have many prizes up for grabs and thank you to all the people who have donated:
Tom Wallace, Brian Duncan, Graham Millar, Mike Stiell, Gary McLuskey, Norrie Dyce I will have a full list at the Turkey trot.
We will be running a sweep and a few charity games at the turkey trot so come along for a great day of golf and fun.
If you wish to donate a prize please contact Mike Stiell.